Abolish Slavery National Network

2024 Ballot Initiatives

Slavery is legal in California.

Proposition 6 will amend the CA constitution to abolish slavery with NO exceptions.

What's the situation?

California's constitution currently prohibits slavery, but allows involuntary servitude as punishment for a crime. The problem is, involuntary servitude IS slavery. Learn more at www.voteyesoncaprop6.com.

Why do I care?

The impact of slavery abolition is uncertain, but the reasons to do so are powerful. Slavery and involuntary servitude are human rights abuses. Any exception to slavery abolition allows human rights to be ignored and people to be exploited inhumanely. Abolishing slavery aligns our legal system with our moral standards.

How can I help abolish slavery in California?

In the general election on November 6, 2024, California voters will have the opportunity to vote on Proposition 6. This Proposition would amend the California constitution, abolishing slavery and involuntary servitude with no exceptions. There are many ways to help.

Vote YES on Proposition 6 in California's general election.

Volunteer with the Vote Yes on Prop 6 campaign

Phone bank, canvas door to door, support campaign events, encourage your representatives to speak out in support, share information on social medias and with your community, and more.

Slavery is legal in Nevada.

Question 4 will amend the NV constitution to abolish slavery with NO exceptions.

What's the situation?

Nevada's constitution did not fully abolish slavery. The state's constitution allows slavery to continue as punishment for a crime.

Why do I care?

The impact of slavery abolition is uncertain, but the reasons to do so are powerful. Slavery and involuntary servitude are human rights abuses. Any exception to slavery abolition allows human rights to be ignored and people to be exploited inhumanely. Abolishing slavery aligns our legal system with our moral standards.

What's been done?

In 2021, Assemblymember Howard Watts introduced a bill to remove the exception clause from the Nevada constitution & abolish slavery with no exceptions. This bill, Assembly Joint Resolution 10, passed the Senate and the House unanimously.

Constitutional amendments in Nevada must pass the legislature twice before going to a public vote. So in 2023, Assemblymember Watts re-introduced AJR 10, and it again passed both houses unanimously. This put AJR10 as Question 4 on the next general election ballot.

How can I help abolish slavery in Nevada?

In the general election on November 6, 2024, Nevada voters will have the opportunity to vote on Question 4. This Proposition would amend the Nevada constitution, abolishing slavery and involuntary servitude with no exceptions. There are many ways to help.

Vote YES on Question 4 in Nevada's general election

Voter registration closes October 23. People with a Nevada ID can register in-person with accompanying documents.

Check below to see the legal status of slavery in your state

Don't like what you see? Join us! We are supporting education and awareness campaigns nationwide, and working with organizers in 20 states pushing for constitutional slavery abolition.

Join the Abolish Slavery National Network



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More than 20 states are organizing to abolish slavery in their state constitutions. CA & NV are expecting ballot initiatives in 2024, and over 15 other states are organizing for future legislation. Contact us for partnership opportunities.

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Max Parthas, Co-Director of State Operations

Max Parthas is an internationally recognized Spoken Word Artist and American Slavery Abolitionist. In addition to numerous awards for his art, he is the recipient of the Missouri CURE Marc Taylor Activism Award, the Will Bell Humanitarian Award, and the “In The Spirit of Malcom X'' award from MX Media. 

Max is the current Acting Director for the Paul Cuffee Abolitionist Center in Sumpter, SC., Co-Director of State Operations for the Abolish Slavery National Network. Abolishslavery.us. and Co-host/Executive producer of Abolition Today (a unique online modern- slavery abolition episodic master class with an international audience.) abolitiontoday.org