Abolish Slavery National Network

News & Updates

Read about us in the news

‘End Slavery in California Act’ clears key hurdle
ABC 10 | June 11, 2024
Marcus Kelley: There Should Be No Exception to the Promise
Riverwise Detroit | April 15, 2024
Bill outlawing slavery gets senate hearing
Manchester Ink Link | March 29, 2024
The Evolution of Slavery
Black Agenda Report | February 7, 2024
Exceptions to slavery could soon be constitutionally outlawed in New Hampshire
Manchester Ink Link | February 6, 2024
Prisoners in the US are part of a hidden workforce linked to hundreds of popular food brands
Associated Press | January 29, 2024
Slavery Lives on in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Justice Initiative | June 19, 2023
Ahead of Juneteenth, congressional lawmakers again seek to remove exception for slavery from US Constitution
CNN | June 16, 2023
Ohio lawmakers want to abolish slavery as punishment for crimes
CNN | June 8, 2023
Ohio Constitution allows slavery as a penalty for crime. Lawmakers want to change that
The Columbus Dispatch | June 7, 2023
Louisiana moves a step closer to symbolically abolishing slavery in its state Constitution
Yahoo! News | May 23, 2023
Nevadans to vote in 2024 on removing slavery, involuntary servitude as punishment from state constitution
CBS News | February 23, 2023

Badges & incidents - slavery in practice

Our Blog

Amendment A – Abolish Slavery Colorado, 2018
It is more than a symbolic measure, because it closes the door on the possibility of future abuses, and it also sends a positive message in a time of great division in our nation.
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Max Parthas, Co-Director of State Operations

Max Parthas is an internationally recognized Spoken Word Artist and American Slavery Abolitionist. In addition to numerous awards for his art, he is the recipient of the Missouri CURE Marc Taylor Activism Award, the Will Bell Humanitarian Award, and the “In The Spirit of Malcom X'' award from MX Media. 

Max is the current Acting Director for the Paul Cuffee Abolitionist Center in Sumpter, SC., Co-Director of State Operations for the Abolish Slavery National Network. Abolishslavery.us. and Co-host/Executive producer of Abolition Today (a unique online modern- slavery abolition episodic master class with an international audience.) abolitiontoday.org