Spotlighting Organizers, May 2023

Meet Savannah and Amber, spotlighted in our May 2023 Quarterly Newsletter.

Savannah Eldrige photoSavannah Eldrige is ASNN's Lead Organizer since September 2022. She began work on abolishing slavery after inside organizers reached out for assistance on a virtual panel, Free the 13th. Inspired to act by their strength, she began the work in Texas.  In 2020, she co-founded the Coalition to Abolish Slavery in Texas with David Johnson. CAST's statewide mission is to educate Texas residents about the important movement toward an absolute end to slavery and involuntary servitude. CAST has been a crucial supporter for House Joint Resolution (HJR) 89, introduced in the 2023 state legislative session, which would protect all Texans from enslavement. Texas' constitution currently has no language about slavery, leaving residents vulnerable to the exception in the 13th Amendment. Savannah also initiated actions in Alabama which led to the prohibition of involuntary servitude and slavery in that state. Going forward, Savannah hopes that community stakeholders lead with education about the omnipresent vestiges of slavery, that we center the voices of directly impacted people, and divest from entities that benefit from the exploitation of incarcerated workers.


Amber Phelps photoAmber Phelps founded Abolish Slavery Virginia, whose mission is to create a society free from the chains of slavery and eradicate oppressive practices within the criminal legal system. Abolish Slavery VA strives to promote social justice and uphold human rights by advocating for racial equity, dismantling systemic racism, and disrupting the prison industrial complex and carceral system that have perpetuated the profit-driven warehousing of bodies in our country. They believe that the abolition of all forms of slavery is an essential step towards achieving this goal.
Last year, Amber learned that all furniture at George Mason University is made by incarcerated laborers and purchased from Virginia Correctional Enterprises (required by a Virginia state Code' Rule 53.1-47). In her investigation to resolve that, she met Max Parthas & got looped into the slavery abolition movement. "If there's anyone who can light a fire in a person, it's Max. One conversation and I was all in." Amber has built Abolish Slavery VA's website, social media presence, & is now focusing on building her coalition and organizing events to increase awareness. They're looking for partners, volunteers, & anyone who wants to connect!

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Max Parthas, Co-Director of State Operations

Max Parthas is an internationally recognized Spoken Word Artist and American Slavery Abolitionist. In addition to numerous awards for his art, he is the recipient of the Missouri CURE Marc Taylor Activism Award, the Will Bell Humanitarian Award, and the “In The Spirit of Malcom X'' award from MX Media. 

Max is the current Acting Director for the Paul Cuffee Abolitionist Center in Sumpter, SC., Co-Director of State Operations for the Abolish Slavery National Network. and Co-host/Executive producer of Abolition Today (a unique online modern- slavery abolition episodic master class with an international audience.)